Yoga Teacher
My unique and athletic classes focus on muscular and core engagement while linking movement to breath through creative, intelligent sequences that build towards exciting, and sometimes unusual, peak poses.
My movement training began during my 8 years competing with the United States Gymnastics Federation. After graduating from college, I was a personal trainer and fitness instructor at Crunch Fitness, NYC. I completed the YogaWorks 500 Teacher Training program in 2016, the 500 hour Modo Level 1 in 2017, Modo Flow in 2018, Modo Freestyle Sequencing in 2019, a 36 hour Yin intensive at Integral Yoga in 2019, and a 100 hour Pilates Mat Intensive in 2020. I teach at Modo Yoga NYC, Sui Yoga, and Equinox, and serve as a Peer Support Guide for Modo Yoga International where I mentor new teachers through their 500 Hour Level 1 Teacher Training.
Originally from Denver, Colorado, I am a graduate of NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and have worked as a professional actor, general manager, producer, and fundraiser Off Broadway for over 20 years.

What I Teach
Freestyle/Power Flow
Vinyasa Flow
Core Flow

Where I Teach

Modo Yoga 500 Hours
Yoga Works 500 Hours
Vinyasa Yoga 70 Hours
Sequencing 70 Hours
Yin Yoga 35 Hours
Pilates Mat 70 Hours